Calculate Potential Market Share Size for a New Product or Service

Market sizing matters because it enables you to estimate the potential demand for your product or service. Without an understanding of the market size, you may overestimate or underestimate the revenue potential of your business. Overestimating your market size can lead to overspending on marketing and advertising, while underestimating it can result in lost opportunities and profits.

Moreover, understanding the TAM, SAM, and SOM can help you identify the market segments that are most promising and focus your resources on those areas. This can help you refine your marketing strategy and optimize your product or service to better serve your target audience. By understanding your market size, you can also identify potential competitors, develop unique selling propositions, and differentiate your business from the competition.

What is TAM, SAM, and SOM?

Before we dive into how to conduct a market sizing analysis, let’s define TAM, SAM, and SOM:

  1. Total Addressable Market (TAM): The total market demand for your product or service. TAM represents the total revenue opportunity if you were to capture 100% of the market. It is the largest possible market for your product or service.
  2. Serviceable Available Market (SAM): The portion of the TAM that is within your reach. SAM represents the market that you can realistically capture given your resources, capabilities, and competition.
  3. Share of Market (SOM): The portion of the SAM that you can realistically capture. SOM represents the market share you can realistically achieve with your product or service.

How to Conduct a Market Sizing Analysis?

Here are the steps you can follow to conduct a market sizing analysis for your business idea:

  1. Define Your Target Market: The first step is to define your target market. Who are your ideal customers? What is the problem you are solving for them? What are their demographics, behavior, and preferences? The more specific and detailed your target market, the more accurate your market sizing analysis will be.
  2. Estimate the TAM: Once you have defined your target market, you can estimate the TAM. You can use different sources of data to estimate the TAM, such as industry reports, surveys, government statistics, and competitor analysis. You can also use top-down or bottom-up approaches to estimate the TAM. The top-down approach involves using macroeconomic data to estimate the market size, while the bottom-up approach involves estimating the market size by multiplying the number of potential customers by the price of the product or service.
  3. Determine the SAM: After estimating the TAM, you can determine the SAM by identifying the portion of the TAM that is within your reach. You can use the same sources of data and approaches as in estimating the TAM. However, you should also consider the competition and your resources, capabilities, and market share in determining the SAM.
  4. Calculate the SOM: Finally, you can calculate the SOM by determining the portion of the SAM that you can realistically capture with your product or service. You can use the same sources of data and approaches as in estimating the SAM. However, you should also consider your marketing strategy, unique selling proposition, and differentiation in calculating the SOM.


Market sizing is a crucial process in assessing the viability of your business idea. By understanding the TAM, SAM, and SOM, you can estimate the potential demand for your product or service and identify the market segments that are most promising. You can also focus your resources on those areas, refine your marketing strategy, and optimize your product or service to better serve your target audience.

To stand out in a crowded market, you need to focus on a niche market, differentiate your product or service, build a strong brand, and develop a strong marketing strategy. By following these tips and tricks, you can make your business idea more appealing to your target market and increase your chances of success.

TAM, SAM, SOM Calculator

Market Size: TAM, SAM, SOM Calculator

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